Please make your donations to the following account number:
2800193970 / 2010
Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, Prague 1
IBAN: CZ8020100000002800193970
Variable symbol: 357
Or use this online payment tool.
How is mobile palliative care covered and how much does it cost?
The cost of the health services which are part of the complex hospice care for one patient was CZK 3 800 per day in 2023. Additional costs arise for the services of a multi-professional team closely related to the health service, such as social work, psychotherapeutic or psychological support, compensatory aids, and others. The total cost of complex care for one patient per day in 2023 in Cesta domů amounted to CZK 5 200. The community palliative care unit's services are covered from multiple sources.
Since 2018 a part of health services is reimbursed from public health insurance funds by health insurance companies in contract with individual hospices (mobile specialized palliative care, specialization nr. 926). The reimbursement from health insurance reaches CZK 1 760 for less symptom-intensive patient and CZK 2 370 for a more complex patient. The classification of the patient into the reimbursment from public health insurance is always decided by the doctor based on the indication criteria stipulated by the valid legislation (Decree 353/2017 Coll., Decree 354/2017 Coll.).
As of September 2018, Cesta domů Community Palliative Care Unit is in contract with all Czech health insurance companies. This allows us to claim the health services provided within our comprehensive hospice care to be reimbursed, for qualified patients.
The difference between these amounts is covered by grants from governmental and non-governmental organizations and donations from individual and corporate donors. It remains true that people wanting to die at home may do so thanks to the financial support of donors and institutions.
The complete list of our sponsors can be found on the Czech edition of this site.
Charity Art Auction
One of our main fundraising activities is the Charity Art Auction which takes place every November. Thank you to all those who participated and supported the event.
Please refer to the charity auction website for updated information (Czech only).
Economic Performance of Cesta domů in 2023
Income | |
Sale of goods and services | CZK 17 mil |
Payments from health insurance companies | CZK 14,2 mil |
Donations from individual and corporate donors | CZK 37,9 mil |
Subsidies from public budgets and funds | CZK 17,2 mil |
Other revenues | CZK 1,5 mil |
Total | CZK 87,8 mil |
Costs | |
Material | CZK 6,1 mil |
Services | CZK 10,1 mil |
Wage costs | CZK 64,3 mil |
Other costs | CZK 7,3 mil |
Total | CZK 87,8 mil |
The annual report, including the audited financial statements, can be downloaded from this site (in Czech).
Cesta domu
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